Companies like cylance antivirus
Companies like cylance antivirus

companies like cylance antivirus

However, as long as adding the buzzword "AI" to a product's description increases the hype around it, security vendors will likely continue to benefit from such marketing tactics, even as integrating such AI solutions could potentially weaken enterprise networks.

companies like cylance antivirus

The AI antivirus becomes a single point of failure, so if its servers are hacked, all of that enterprise customer data could then be in the hands of bad actors. This turns the AI antivirus into yet another potentially enormous liability both in terms of privacy and security. Similarly, security experts will have to keep fighting bad actors and exploits against their system and app protections in perpetuity, too.įor businesses, AI antiviruses seem problematic, not just because they can be universally bypassed by malware once whatever bias they have in their model is found, but also because AI-based security solutions need to be fed virtually all of the data that passes through a company’s network. Vendors of future AI technologies will likely continue to struggle to find the right balance for the training of their AI solution potentially in perpetuity. It also seems to be difficult to give the AI the right balance of data covering all aspects of the problem areas.

#Companies like cylance antivirus windows#

We’ve seen in different industries that AI that tends to be highly-optimized (or biased) for a particular set of features based on the data it was given. Topping our list is Bitdefender Antivirus Plus, which is one of the best antivirus protection softwares for Windows PCs. Should We Just Kill the AI Antivirus Hype Now? The AI model could be fixed to take other features into account, but those could similarly be fooled, too, which is why the researchers concluded that AI antivirus is nowhere near being the cybersecurity silver bullet that vendors have promised it would be. In the above bird versus human example, if a human would wear a mask with a bird beak, said human could be confused for a bird. However, according to the Skylight researchers, malware makers are not “wooden dummies” - they fight back and can come up with clever tricks that are easy to implement and could completely confuse the AI. That's the logic behind AI antivirus. If AI antivirus can look at thousands of existing samples of malware and identify the vast majority of them as malware, then the vendor can presume that it’s highly effective at detecting similar malware. Now the vendor can assume that because its AI isn't highly effective at detecting birds but is effective at detecting humans, AI should be able to tell a picture of one from the other. If the AI would be trained to learn the difference between birds and humans, it would eventually learn that one of the primary differences between a bird and a human is that birds have beaks and humans don’t. The researchers offered an easy-to-understand analogy for how AI-based antivirus solutions can be so easy to trick. With a single piece of research, the Skylight security experts were able to show just how catastrophically vulnerable AI-based antivirus tools like CylancePROTECT can be before they even had a chance to get popular the cybersecurity industry.

Companies like cylance antivirus